The leader Who Strives to Serve, Will Thrive for Sure


The leader who strives to serve will thrive for sureA true leader is the one who strives for the success of others and not themselves.

Those who don’t serve aren’t successful in the long run:
Regardless of their position
Regardless of their authority
Regardless of their responsibility

Those that do serve are successful in the long run:
Because of their words
Because of their actions
Because of their results

Your job as a leader is to do all you can to help others achieve their full capabilities. Those on the receiving end of your service must work hard to use the opportunities provided to develop their strengths.

Will this always work? Will you always serve? Will everyone succeed? Of course not.

We all fall short of our best desires at one time to another. But if you continue to strive for the success of others they will thrive.

In the end, the one who strives for the success of others will receive more in return than those who focus on their own success.