There is a cycle to energy. It can’t be created or destroyed; it simply changes forms. According to The Law of Conservation of Energy, potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy, which can be converted to thermal energy, but the original energy remains.
There is a cycle to water. The limited amount of water continuously cycles through its various forms: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation
There is also a cycle to Successful leadership: Give that which you have received and open the pathway to receive even more.
It’s now part of everyday knowledge that Steve Jobs received the idea for the computer mouse at a visit to Xerox labs. He gave that idea to the world through the Apple Macintosh, and the mouse became part of every computer. The mouse lasted until the cycle of inspiration came around and the world received the touch screen in the iPhone and iPad.
The successful leader will teach, speak and write about the leadership lessons they know and receive so that they can be part of the cycle of leadership.
Look for ways to pass on knowledge as fast you can and as fast as your audience can receive. Trust me, you will receive more than you can imagine in return.
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