In a world where achievement is expected and measured every day, how can someone stand out? What sets you apart is the difference you make in the world being you. Why do we work so hard to fit in? You are unique and meant to stand out.
“Strengths lie in differences, not in similarities.” – Stephen Covey
The college application process is very competitive. Good grades and high SAT scores are only the entrance fee. Colleges want to know what sets you apart. Did you play sports, or a musical instrument? So did a lot of other applicants. But what you have done to make a difference using your grades, sports or musical talent is unique to you.
Applying for a job? Education and experience are expected. But what you have done with your education and experience. How have you made a difference in the world?
If you want the best chance to get into the college of your choice, or get the job you desire, go ahead and tell your story, how does it all fit together into the unique you?
“If you want to make a difference you have to be different.” – Andy Andrews
If you aren’t in the right place to apply to college or for that job, then you have the opportunity to look for ways to set yourself apart and use what you have to make a difference.
“It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you use that makes a difference.”– Zig Ziglar